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Board Elections 2023

We hope these introductions will help you get to know the five members nominated to serve on the Temple Board (effective in January 2023) a little better.  

Be sure to return your ballot to the Temple Office by Wednesday, Nov. 23rd.  Thank you!



Michael Bobrowicz: Michael has been a part of the PABT Sangha for many years. He has had many different roles and responsibilities, including Board member, Dharma School teacher, teriyaki chicken man, and Beautification team leader.


Shiz Kobara: Shiz and his family have been part of the Temple for many years. Previously, he served on the Board for multiple terms and was the Obon co-chairperson for over a decade. He is currently the main chef for our famous miso salmon, which is one of our most popular dishes at Bazaar time.


Joanne Sweet: Joanne and her husband are long-time Temple members who first came to PABT during Obon in 1985. They found the Sangha to be so warm, welcoming, and inclusive, they’ve been coming back ever since. Over the years, Joanne has supported the Temple in many ways, including participation in BWA activities and heading up the delicious strawberry shortcake desserts during Bazaar.


Don Tirsell: Don and his family have been Temple members for many years and he has served on the board for nearly a decade.  He has contributed to the Temple's facilities improvements and upkeep as a 2nd VP and has led many Temple initiatives such as online communications, co-chairing Obon and working with Boy Scouts on eagle scout projects.  


Carl Yanari: Carl has been associated with the temple for over 60 years.  He attended Dharma School and Jr YBA before leaving for college.  He returned to the temple to bring his children to Dharma School and has been active in Dharma School, Jr YBA, ABA, and the temple board.  He has held several offices on the board over the past 30 years.  He is also involved with BCA at the district and national levels.  Carl recently became a certified minister's assistant.

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