How to Donate
The Palo Alto Buddhist Temple welcomes your donation!
For your convenience you can either mail us your donation (using the downloadable Donation Form at the bottom) directly to the temple office at:
Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
Attn: Office
2751 Louis Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303
…or you may donate online using a major credit or debit card by completing the form to the right and clicking the “Donate w/ Credit Card” button.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes, all donations to the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple (“PABT”) are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
Will I receive a receipt?
Yes, you will receive an email receipt immediately after your online donation is verified. If you mail in or drop off a donation to the temple office, a hard copy receipt will be mailed to you.
The temple will incur a processing fee for donations made by credit card, but will issue a receipt for the full amount of your donation. If you use a credit card to make your donation, the temple would welcome an additional 4% contribution to cover its processing costs. Alternatively, you may help the temple avoid this processing fee by making your donation in a check (or by cash) to the PABT.
Should you have any questions about donating, such as setting up recurring contributions, please contact the temple office at (650) 856-0123.
Thank you for your kindness! 🙏