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Resident Minister

Reverend Dean Koyama has been the resident minister at the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple since June 2013. ​

Before Palo Alto he served as resident minister for the Mountain View Buddhist Temple (2003-2013), resident minister at the Tacoma Buddhist Temple (1996-2002), and associate minister at the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple (1989-1996).​

A native Californian, Reverend Koyama was born and raised in Sacramento. He studied Biology at Sacramento City College and later received a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology from the University of California, Davis.


After working as a pharmacy technician at Mercy General Hospital, Reverend Koyama, began attending the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) in Berkeley, California. In 1985 he earned a Master of Arts degree in Buddhist Studies from the IBS and subsequently earned another Masters Degree from Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan. The years of studying culminated in his entry into the ministry in 1989.​​


In the past, Reverend Koyama enjoyed jogging, playing volleyball, and cycling in his free time. But due to "old age" and bad knees, he now limits his physical activities to walking his Jack Russell Terrier mix, Niko. In addition, Reverend Koyama continues to practice Aikido, which he has done for almost 50 years and holds a 5th degree black belt.  When he turned 60 and started his second childhood (Kanreki) he decided to learn some things before it was too late.  He started to learn how to play the shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute) and has taken up golf.​

Reverend Dean is married to his wife, Linda and they have three sons who live nearby in California.

Minister's Assistants

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